The Lewins Journal

Garnet: The Birthstone of January
The timeless enchantment of garnet, has traversed throughout the jewellery timeline: from its initial discovery in the Bronze Age, to highlighting Medieval jewels and its revival in the 19th century adorning Victorian treasures. Unbeknownst to many, the gemstone can come in array of colours, including orange, green, and purple. Although, the rich crimson red variety remains the most notable of them all.
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Tanzanite: The Birthstone Of December
Bestowed as the “Stone of Magic”, Tanzanite exhibits a midnight blue to velvety violet hue. Famously unveiled to the jewellery hemisphere, by renowned jewellery emporium Tiffany & Co and renamed after the gemstones exclusive locality. The enchanting combination of high clarity, intense colour and geographical rarity, has catalysed this gem to become one of the most desired materials for adornment.
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Citrine: The Birthstone Of November
Traced throughout time as the "Merchants Stone", citrine was anciently believed to bring success and prosperity. The sunburst of golden yellow and warm orange hues, radiates an autumnal fashion, with subtle flickers of red and brown. The gemstone flourished during the Hellenistic age of Greece and has since remained a glittering fixture, in the realm of jewellery.
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Opal: The Birthstone of October
The kaleidoscope gemstone, represents the concepts of purity and hope. The resemblance to oil-like paintings, makes opals incomparable to any other gemstone. Famously adored by Queen Victoria and the acclaimed Art Nouveau designer René Lalique. Unravel the mystery behind the mystical gemstone: from the eclectic range of varieties, to its iridescent appearance and the magical phenomenon of Opalescence.
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Sapphire: The Birthstone of September
Adorned by the Etruscans since antiquity, Sapphire has retained a mystical allure, with its desirable shades of vibrant to deep blue. Many may be surprised to know, that the gemstone can occur in a rainbow of hues. Referenced frequently throughout Ancient Literature, as a celestial material. Unlock the mysterious beauty behind this coveted gemstone, in all its colours and the magical phenomenon of Star Sapphires.
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Peridot: The Birthstone of August
Named the “Gem of the Sun” by the ancient Egyptians, the effervescent green gemstone, was believed to be the embodiment of nature and light. Favoured by Cleopatra and King Edward VII, the underrated Peridot has a protracted desirability, throughout the jewellery timeline: from crowning Egyptian jewels, to highlighting the Art Nouveau movement and Edwardian jewellery.
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Ruby: The Birthstone of July
Anciently referred to as the “King of Gems”, the scarlet gemstone has long been associated with the concepts of power and wealth. Today, the finest rubies are still considered, to be one of the most valued gemstones in the world. Uncover the revered gemstone in all it’s forms and discover the magical phenomenon of star rubies.
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Pearl: The Birthstone of June
Perhaps, one of the oldest known gemstones of adornment, the humble pearl is often termed the “Queen of Gems”, from its magical organic origin, to its orient lustre and famous historical links. The protracted admiration for this gemstone, expands over centuries and has crafted its way into the jewellery world with an iconic reputation.
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Emerald: The Birthstone of May
The viridescent gemstone, symbolises the ideals of renewal, regrowth and revival. Anciently referred to as “smaragdos”, the gemstone dates back to its remarkable discovery from Egypt in 330BC, and has since become a treasured gemstone, highly desired for its intense green colour and famed for displaying a universe of magical inclusions.
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